Position Title: Sales Presentation Judge
Position Description: Teams are required to create a sales presentation and deliver a comprehensive business case that will convince outside interests to invest in team’s concept that can be profitable manufactured and marketed. The presentation may have a logistical, production or technical focus and include market research.
Judges will evaluate the student team’s ability to develop and deliver the presentation. Judges are required to provide written feedback in addition to their numerical scores.
Preferred Skills/Qualifications/ Experience: Judges should have diverse backgrounds and experience which helps cover the broad range of topics that are discussed in this part of the competition. These include but not limited to knowledge prototype development, testing and data analysis, mass production analysis and value evaluation.
SAE CSC experience is not required but preferred.
Orientation and Training: All volunteers will need to read the rules, review the scoring rubric, and will undergo training.
Work Conducted via: Judges will participate in the value benefit analysis judging in a virtual environment prior to the onsite competition portion. SAE will provide the virtual platform. Scores for the value benefit analysis presentation will also be captured using an online scoring rubric on the competition official website: www.saecleansnowmobile.com
Time Commitment: Judges will be asked to volunteer for a full day (8 hours) for virtual value benefit analysis presentation.
SAE Members only: Membership not required.